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Dr. Ahed M. Kadamani DDS, M.Sc

Assistant Professor at the fixed-removable Prosthodontics Department. Al-Quds University. Jerusalem- Palestine.

Title: Managing of hard and soft tissues loss in the esthetic zone after a single tooth extraction. A challenge or a Drama?


Biography: Dr. Ahed M. Kadamani DDS, M.Sc


One of the most challenging issues in the world of dental implants is restoring a missing anterior tooth. The loss of the hard and soft tissues due to periodontal disease or the physiological  bone resorption after tooth extraction complicates and dramatize the treatment plan and the end result.

Trying to achieve a proper emergence profile and gingival symmetry between the adjacent teeth is the major concern of the prosthodontist in such cases.

In this case presentation a 24 years old woman suffered from localized aggressive periodontitis on teeth no. 11 and 41 was referred to our clinic.

To manage the bone defect an autogenous bone block was grafted in area 21. After healing an implant was inserted.  3 months later the soft tissue modification and engineering was performed using a provisional abutment and a provisional crown which was modified many times to achieve a good emergence profile and acceptable gingival level. The definitive prosthesis was achieved by a zirconium dioxide abutment and a zirconium crown on tooth no. 11 in addition to E- max laminate veneers on teeth no. 23,22,21, 12,13. 


The case presentation will present the treatment of the case, describing each step in details: 

  • Diagnosis.
  • Treatment planning.
  • Surgical phase
  • Provisional phase
  • Prosthetic phase
  • Follow up

providing the attendees with general guidelines managing such a case.